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Category Archives: Natural gas

The burning of natural gas, as a fossil fuel, produces a net contribution of CO2 to the atmosphere. This is unlike other more sustainable fuels such as biomass, where the rate of organic carbon produced per unit of inorganic carbon emitted during combustion is almost equal to one. However, natural gas produces far less CO2 than other fuels such as petroleum, and especially coal. It is a fuel that burns cleaner and more efficiently.

The reason that produces little CO2 is the main component, methane, contains four atoms of hydrogen and one of carbon.

As added benefit, for US Petroleum Holdings and everynone, is a more versatile fuel, which can be used in generation systems as the most efficient combined-cycle or fuel cell and obtaining them is easier as compared to other fuels. However, its energy content per unit volume is low compared to other fuels.

Energy generation

Natural gas can be used to produce hydrogen that can be used in vehicles with hydrogen.

1 Nm3 (cubic metre in normal conditions, 0 ° C in temperature and atmospheric pressure 1) of natural gas produces about 10.4 kWh.